

Aziatix是由三個韓裔美國人組成的團體, Eddie Shin, Jay Flowsik Pak, 還有Nicky Lee(沒錯, 就是李玖哲 XD)。去年知道這個團體是因為Steph, 他們的第一支單曲是Go, 我覺得蠻好聽的, 但是第一印象是裡面一直唱"Adios~"然後其他的我都沒在聽... 當時看了MV, 想說這個Eddie頭髮好長~覺得他看起來好怪。Steph去年已經殺去LA還有到舊金山看他們的演唱會, 今年初又得知他們展開在美國的巡迴演唱會, 雖然我對Aziatix真的很不熟(只知道"Go"這首歌), 但是想說, "為了看李玖哲本人~還是殺去看吧!" 反正我就住在舊金山, 查了一下演唱會地點, 離我家蠻近的, 只要搭muni就可以到 :p 演唱會的票又很便宜, 才$20, 快點趁他們還沒變成大明星/以後演唱會的票飆去$100多塊之前看一下~(完全就是抱著撿便宜的心態去看李玖哲啊)~於是乎, 剛好Carrie, Ying, Michelle也要去看, 我們就剛好一起去啦 :D

當然趁演唱會前, 需要惡補一下他們的歌, 不然都沒聽過應該還蠻窘的(想像一下旁邊的小妹妹們瘋狂的合唱尖叫, 我這個老人就滿頭問號的場景...), 幸好他們的歌也沒有很多:p 所以聽了幾首就覺得還蠻熟悉的啦~反正演唱會的氣氛應該會很high~(之前去了五月天的演唱會, 印象中超high的)。

演唱會是八點開始, 沒想到Aziatix一直到九點二十分才出現... 其實也是啦, 他們歌這麼少, 再怎麼唱也不可能撐到兩個小時就是了... 所以前面一個小時又二十分鐘就靠當地的DJ Twin Spin (FM92.7, 週一到週五下午五點是他的smash time!)撐場。我個人非常喜歡他選的歌~我們這群聽到他播的歌都超high的, 忍不住搖擺然後跳起舞來, 結果一轉頭, 發現這群Aziatix的死忠fans全部都不動如山, 在這麼high的音樂下還能這麼冷靜, 真不愧是死忠fans啊~雖然我很享受DJ Twin Spin的歌, 不過穿著UGG一起搖擺, 整個腳超熱的, 有種我的腳快要發霉的錯覺啊~/囧\ 

終於九點二十的時候, Aziatix出現啦!!! 當然是引起一堆瘋狂小妹妹的尖叫~而我們終於看到李玖哲本人~李玖哲在介紹自己的時候說:"Hi, I am Nicky Lee, a.k.a 李玖哲!" 然後我們就在台下瘋狂大叫"李玖哲李玖哲~(想必他是聽不到啦)" 至於Eddie, 其實他本人還蠻可愛的, 比MV裡面好看很多, 尤其是他剛好把長髮綁起來! 有個韓國女生在他講話的時候大叫"喔罷!!!!!", 結果就看到Eddie很害羞的說"阿扭..."(原來韓國男生吃這套嗎? XDD) 昨天應該有一堆少女都被Eddie迷死了(我旁邊的Michelle跟Ying就立刻陷入迷妹的狀態) Flowsik一直都帶著墨鏡, 中間有被前面的歌迷拉住, 好像墨鏡掉下來的樣子? 四十分鐘的演唱會還蠻短的, 不過他們的歌真的還蠻好聽的! 但是超級難拍照, 除了我前面剛好有兩個很不識相的高個子男生一直擋住他們後面比他們矮很多的女生(他們兩個大概都有180cm這麼高吧!), 所以我拍的照片幾乎都有他們的頭 -_- 還有加上小DC真的很不適合在這樣的場合拍... 啊~早知道就帶單眼來, 可是我的單眼也沒有錄影功能... 大概我太貪心了 XD


這是唯一一張沒有開閃光燈, 然後拍得很清楚的照片。


Aziatix - Cold (我現場錄的, 手好酸還要撐著脖子...)

Aziatix - Go (出道成名曲)


不過我個人最喜歡的是Slipping Away

I don't want you to go even if you're tellin' me
You've gotten over me girl
Cuz lately I realized without you
I can't live another day

So do we try to make this work, or do we part ways?
Cuz as much as it hurts, what we have's worth all the pain flowing through
The blood in my veins
And it's still not enough, feel the melody of love through the beat of my heart

We can never be apart, from the lands to the seas, to the stars, wherever you are

Girl just hear me out, cuz I got somethin' to say
You hear me callin' but still walkin' away
This pain inside just won't go away
Babe I can't watch you slippin' away

Dark Man X, I'm slipping
Grip on my heart, tapped out from submission
Better provision is what her heart's wishing
But she don't seem to understand my position
I admit, I don't have what it takes
To serve and provide what she wants on her plate
So I put her in place, then I'm closing the gates
Locking the chains, no intention to wait, wait

Should've treated you better
Had I known from the start
There'd be distance between us
I would have kept us from growin' apart
And I apologize
I'd do whatever that it takes girl
If I can keep you from goin' away

Girl just hear me out, cuz I got somethin' to say
You hear me callin' but still walkin' away
This pain inside just won't go away
Babe I can't watch you slippin' away

Girl did you really get over me
I won't find another 'nother
Cuz I need you here close to me, 
My one and only lover lover
What I gotta do for you to stay
My heart beats for you night and day
Fallen astray the day you've gone away, girl

Girl just hear me out, cuz I got somethin' to say
You hear me callin' but still walkin' away
This pain inside just won't go away
Babe I can't watch you slippin' away

Girl did you really get over me
I won't find another 'nother
Cuz I need you here close to me, 
My one and only lover lover

I don't want you to go even if you're tellin' me
You've gotten over me girl

真喜歡這首歌 :) 也很喜歡MV! (而且裡面的畫也太美了...)


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