
TechSF是舊金山一個幫忙想進入科技產業或是想進修的上班族的組織, 而Bay Area Video Coalition (BAVC)是一個提供課程的進修學校, 提供跟設計, 程式, 攝影 等等相關的進修課程。 去年中聽朋友提到這個進修學校, 後來有去參加一個溝通的workshop, 今年回美國後就參加了BAVC的Responsive Design Bootcamp, 六個禮拜的課程學到很多東西, 後來也很幸運的找到工作。TechSF邀請我做一個分享的訪談, 英文版的連結在這邊, 下面是我翻成中文的版本也會放上英文版。

這次的訪談主要是分享我參與課程的心得以及關於我的一些設計大小事。有很認真的回答問題哦! 我覺得我非常的誠懇!


TechSF的超級明星: Leslie Chen
文/ Arya Zarrinkelk 

我們愛上了Leslie的設計之眼, 但她說她還需要加強科技專長來得到更多的工作機會。她參與了我們的Responsive Design Bootcamp, 同時沒有放棄找工作機會。她很樂意和人接觸並且竭盡她所能這點讓我們超級驚豔! 而且她得到了一個很好的結果。繼續讀關於Leslie的故事:

在參與TechSF之前, 妳是做什麼的?
在參加Responsive Design Bootcamp之前, 我是一個全職自由接案設計師並且很積極的在找尋新的機會。

去年夏天的時候, 我聽說關於TechSF的課程。我和朋友參加了一個溝通workshop並且覺得對於我的面試非常有幫助。今年在我把海外的工作告一段落後, 我回到美國並開始計劃拿一些課程來加強自己的專長。BAVC的職員跟我提起Responsive Web Design Bootcamp。在這六周內, 我和其餘學員以及授課老師一起成長並且學到很多東西, 同時我也得到很多職涯的建議以及參與TechSF其他的workshop, 這對於我找工作的過程都很有幫助。課程結束後, 我接到Prezi的短期專案並且能夠應用我的新專長在專案上。TechSF幫我加強我的專長, 協助發展我的職涯規劃包括如何表現自己和networking的技巧。我覺得參加課程後的我比之前還要有自信多了。

很多不同的專案 -- 行銷設計, emails, conference設計(簡報, 活動手冊, 標示, 小禮物還有其他), icons 並有可能可以在未來設計相關產品。在最近的responsive email設計中, 我使用很多在課程內學到的東西而且非常的引以自豪! 我想我的授課老師Diane還有同學應該也會以我為榮 ;)

我比較常讀文章多過於部落格, 但我想現今對於部落格的定義很廣。我常看Smash Magazine和TechCrunch來得知在萬秒更新的科技世界發生的事情。我也常看Dribbble, Behance還有Good來找尋靈感。通常假如我找到我喜歡的作品, 我會嘗試去看這個設計師是怎麼做他的作品。很多設計師都會把設計過程放上他們的部落格, 而我覺得這超棒的! 除此之外, 我很喜歡讀關於攝影, 食物, 生活及運動相關的部落格。

現在我的腦袋裡沒有一個確切的名字, 不過我有在Twitter, Tumblr和Instagram上追蹤設計師及藝術家。我對於會把作品放在Dribbble的設計師感到很有興趣, 因為我可以用特定的地區去搜尋, 經由這個我可以知道現在的設計師在做些什麼樣的專案。我很喜歡他們的作品並且期許自己在不久的將來能和他們一樣的有創意。

在早上的時候, 我習慣聽輕柔的流行音樂還有鄉村音樂, 下午的時候會聽Hip Hop, R&B, 電音和原聲帶。如果我遇到一個設計上的瓶頸, 我會聽只有樂器伴奏的音樂來清理我的腦袋。

「好的事情只會發生在那些追尋它們的人。」在我很低潮的時候, 是很難提起精神的。我不斷告訴我自己我需要對自己有信心, 而這就是我如何鼓勵自己繼續走這條路。這是需要一些時間的, 但我的好時機到了, 你的也會。我們都會經歷過硬仗但我們只需要怎麼去重新相信自己。

中國有一個很古老的諺語: 「留得青山在, 不怕沒柴燒。」意思是說只要活著就有希望。雖然我一直都知道這句諺語, 但一直到我爸在我今年生日提起的時候才認真的思考。這句話也剛好和我的座右銘相合。(親愛的讀者, 請看上面)


We fell in love with Leslie's design eye but she said she needed to improve her tech chops to get gigs. She enrolled in our Responsive Design Bootcamp, while never letting up on her job search. Her willingness to connect with people and leave no stone unturned impressed the HECK out of us. And she got great results. Read on to hear the rest of Leslie’s story.

What did you do before TechSF?

Before taking Responsive Web Design Bootcamp, I was a freelance visual designer working on different projects and was actively looking for new opportunities.

How did TechSF change your life?

I heard about BAVC and TechSF’s wonderful classes last summer.  I went to a communication workshop with friends and thought it was helpful to my interview. This year, after wrapping up my contract overseas, I came back to the states and was planning to take classes to boost my skillset. The staff at BAVC told me about the Responsive Web Design Bootcamp. I spent 6 weeks growing and learning with my classmates and my instructor in the program, meanwhile, I was getting career advice and participating in TechSF workshops, which helped a lot with my job search. After the program, I got a short-term contract at Prezi and was able to utilize my new skills on the project. TechSF helped me to enhance my skills, develop my career path including presenting myself and networking tips.  I feel more confident now than I did before participating in the program.

What projects are you working on?

I’m working on different tasks -- marketing collaterals, emails, conference materials (presentation, program, signage, swag and more), icons and possibly products in the future. I used the skills I learned in class on the responsive email design project and was very proud of myself! I think my instructor Diane and classmates will feel the same ;)

What blogs do you read?

I read articles instead of blogs, but I think nowadays, the definition of blog is very broad. I go on to Smash Magazine andTechCrunch a lot just to get an update of new technology of the ever updating tech world. I also go on to Dribbble, Behance andGood for inspiration. A lot of the times when I found works I like, I try to see how the designers made their projects. Some of them post their working process on their blogs and I think that’s very neat. Aside from that, I’m drawn into photography, food, lifestyle and fitness blogs.

Who do you look up to creatively?

I don’t have a specific name in my mind, but I follow designers/artists on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. I’m mostly interested in designers who post their works on Dribbble because I can search them based on location, and by that I get a sense of what designers are working on right now in this area/city. I admire their projects and hopefully I can be as creative as them in the near future.

What do you listen to while at work?

I start off with acoustic pop songs and country in the morning, play hip hop, R&B, electronic dance music and musical soundtracks in the afternoon. If I’m having a designer’s block, I listen to instrumental music only to clear my mind.

What is your mantra?

“Good things come to those who chase them.” It’s hard to keep myself up when I am feeling down. I keep telling myself that I have to have faith in myself and that’s how I push myself on this journey. It’s going to take some time, but my time has come, and so will yours. We all experience battles along our way and we just have to find a way to believe in ourselves again.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?

There’s an old saying in Chinese: “As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood." it means that “while there’s life, there’s hope.” Although I have known this old saying for a while, it didn’t hit me until my dad brought it up again on my birthday this year. It also reflects back on my mantra [see above, dear reader].




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