
How many have you loved?

How many do you love?

How many will you love?


Wong Fu Production's new short film hits my heart, again. I am their fan after watching Strangers, Again. Both short films pointed out how people see love and how they handle the love. It's interesting that in their latest film, the guy didn't really talk about what happened in his pasted relationship/crush, yet decribed what is he looking for love. Who, what, when, where, why, these different characters are the combination of love. Who I love, what I love, when I love, where I love, and why I love. 

Funny that when I saw the second part, what I love, I think about Danny and me. We are friends for 5 year and so, and we were always taken by someone, so we never hangout whenever we said we need to hang :P We had this conversation the other night, and it's funny (again) that we both agree we are the last to each other (how awkward huh?). 

I can see your smile in your eyes, and I can feel your love just when you laugh. Sounds like it, sounds like what we talked about the other night. You are, the last. My perfect match.

Oh wow, I think I just wrote my vow. :P





Wong Fu Production的新短片完全又打中我的心。自從看了他們的Strangers, Again後, 我就成為了他們的粉絲。兩部片都表達出人們怎麼看待愛情還有他們怎麼去處理愛情。有趣的是, 在他們最新的影片裡, 男主角沒有真的說到底在他過去的感情/單戀中發生了什麼事, 而卻敘述了他在尋找什麼樣的愛情。什麼人, 什麼東西, 什麼時間, 什麼地點, 為什麼, 這些不同的特質正好是愛情的綜合體。我愛什麼樣的人, 我愛什麼樣的特質, 我在什麼時候愛上, 我在什麼地方愛上, 還有會什麼我會愛上。

有趣的是當我看到第二個的部份, 我愛什麼樣的特質, 我想起了丹尼和我。我們當了五年多的朋友, 而且我們總是在一段感情中和另一個人在一起, 所以我們從來沒有約出來過就算每次我們都嚷著一定要約出來 :P 還記得某一天我們也有過這樣的對話, (又)有趣的是我們兩個都同意, 我們應該是彼此的最後一個(聽起來超怪的哈)。

我可以看到你眼裡散發出的笑意, 而你在笑的時候我可以感覺到你的愛。聽起來好像是這樣, 聽起來好像是我們某個晚上討論過的對話。你是, 我的最後一個。我的完美組合。

哦哇, 我想我剛剛寫好了我的結婚宣誓了 :P

    創作者 Leslie 飛飛 的頭像
    Leslie 飛飛

    ♥ 飛,一種接近光的感覺 ♥

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